Wednesday 11 June 2014

Jumlah Susu Yang Diperlukan Oleh Bayi Yang Baru Lahir

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



Ramai di kalangan ibu yang gusar dan tidak yakin dgn kemampuan diri mereka untuk menghasilkan susu yg cukup untuk anak yg bakal mereka lahirkan..
Nasihat saya, ibu-ibu tidak perlu risau kerana bayi yang baru dilahirkan hanya memerlukan sebanyak 5.0-7.0ml sahaja iaitu lebih sedikit dr sudu kecil..jumlah ini akan bertambah sedikit demi sedikit mengikut usia bayi..

Anggaran kapasiti perut bayi

Sebab itulah di awal kelahiran susu matang masih belum dihasilkan sebaliknya yg terhasil cuma cairan kuning keemasan yg dinamakan KOLOSTRUM yg mana fizikalnya pekat dan sedikit. Walaupun sedikit tetapi kandungan kolostrum sangat penting untuk bayi kerana selain mengandungi vitamin dan mineral penting untuk perkembangan bayi ia juga mengandungi antibodi yg dapat membantu menghalang anak dari dijangkiti penyakit dengan izin Allah swt. Selain itu, terdapat pelawas (julap) semulajadi yg tidak terdapat dalam mana2 susu lain..ini membantu badan bayi menyingkirkan meconium (najis awal) di hari2 terawal kelahiran anak..

Kebiasaannya adalah normal jika payudara anda masih tidak mengeluarkan susu yang byk di awal kelahiran kerana biasanya hari ketiga barulah payudara mula membengkak dan susu mula banyak kerana kehadiran kolostrum mula diganti dengan "transitional milk" dan seterusnya susu matang..tetapi dgn syarat anda perlulah menyusukn baby sekerap mungkin..sebaiknya susukan baby FOD (feeding on demand) lebih kerap baby menyusu lebih kerap payudara dirangsang lebih byk susu akan dihasilkan..

What will happen with you, your baby, and your milk in the first few weeks
The baby
You (Mom)
Your body makes colostrum (a rich, thick, yellowish milk) in small amounts. It gives your baby a healthy dose of early protection against diseases.
Will probably be awake in the first hour after birth. This is a good time to breastfeed your baby.
You will be tired and excited.
First 12-24 hours
Your baby will drink about 1 teaspoon of colostrum at each feeding. You may or may not see the colostrum, but it has what the baby needs and in the right amount.
It is normal for the baby to sleep heavily. Labor and delivery are hard work! Some babies like to nuzzle and may be too sleepy to latch well at first. Feedings may be short and disorganized. As your baby wakes up, take advantage of your baby’s strong instinct to suck and feed every 1-2 hours. Many babies like to eat or lick, pause, savor, doze, then eat again.
You will be tired, too. Be sure to rest.
Next 3-5 days
Your white milk comes in. It is normal for it to have a yellow or golden tint first. Talk to a doctor and lactation consultant if your milk is not yet in.
Your baby will feed a lot (this helps your breasts make plenty of milk), at least 8-12 times or more in 24 hours. Very young breastfed babies don’t eat on a schedule. Because breast milk is more easily digested than formula, breastfed babies eat more often than formula-fed babies. It is okay if your baby eats every 2-3 hours for several hours, then sleeps for 3-4 hours. Feedings may take about 15-20 minutes on each side. The baby’s sucking rhythm will be slow and long. You might hear gulping.
Your breasts may feel full and leak. (You can use disposable or cloth pads in your bra to help with leaking.)
The first 4-6 weeks
White breast milk continues.
Your baby will likely be better at breastfeeding and have a larger stomach to hold more milk. Feedings may take less time and will be farther apart.
Your body gets used to breastfeeding so your breasts will be softer and the leaking may slow down.
          Carta menunjukkan apa akan terjadi pada anda (ibu) bayi dan susu di awal minggu kelahiran


Mommy AisyAisyah.


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